Sheila Luna

Sheila Morris Luna, teacher and healer, departed from her home in Boulder, CO, on February 19, 2020, at the age of 52, traveling on to the next leg of her soul’s journey. She is survived by Charles Luna, her husband of 25 years; daughters Alexandra and Juliet Luna; grandmother, Kathleen Epp; mother, Bonita Vincent; father, Christopher Morris; stepmother, Susan Seestrom Morris; and sisters Jan Baca, Katherine Tripp, Jessica Schuh, and Virginia Sheffield, as well as treasured aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Born in Allentown, PA, Sheila was a sweetly shy, compassionate, and giving child whose early aspirations were to become a medical doctor. After graduating from William Allen High School, she attended Muhlenberg College and enrolled in their pre-med program, graduating with a B.S. in biology.

After college, she went to Houston as a biomedical researcher, where she met her future husband and love of her life, Charles Luna. Sheila and Charles were married at El Rancho de las Golondrinas near Santa Fe, NM, and went on to have two brilliant daughters, Alexandra, 24, and Juliet, 22. Motivated by a shared love of adventure, the Lunas travelled the world—honeymooning in Mexico, backpacking in southeast Asia, visiting 4 continents, 19 countries, and 28 states, and living for seven years in Switzerland, where Sheila managed a large nanotechnology lab.

It was in Switzerland that Sheila realized her true calling and began her shift from traditional western medicine to herbal healing. With the Lunas’ return to the states, Sheila studied under Paul Bergner, founder of the North American Institute for Medical Herbalism in Boulder, CO, where she graduated with honors as a certified clinical herbalist, vitalist, and nutritionist.

Sheila went on to become the Clinic Manager at the Colorado School for Clinical Herbalism and worked personally with clients to help them to find health through herbal healing, nutrition, and the tenets of vitalism. She also taught classes, managed student clinicians, and published an interactive book that became part of the instructional curriculum.

Sheila never stopped learning, researching the natural world through respectful immersion in the wild and careful observation. Healing was a part of her being, her life’s work, a gift she gave from her heart to so many. An intrepid traveler, spiritual voyager, truth-seeker, big-thinker, and fiercely loyal wife, mother, daughter, and friend, Sheila braved her final months with the same tenacity, stark honesty, and truly admirable, gentle grace with which she lived her life.

Her legacy continues to resonate through all whose lives she touched.

A memorial service for Sheila will be held this coming spring or summer—please contact Charles if you’d like to celebrate her life with us!

If you wish to express your respects monetarily, please consider donating to Front Range Herbal Medics Clinic (, a Colorado-based chapter of the Herbal Medics project whose endeavors Sheila strongly supported.

13 thoughts on “Sheila Luna”

  1. Sheila was my big sister, who alwyas had the pack of us four younger ones in hand. She was a magnanimous leader to us, and we did what she said because if we didn’t, watch out! She’d aim those super squinty, serious, slightly terrifying blue eyes at us that we called “half-moons,” and which always let us know she meant business. More importantly, though, we did what she said because we knew she had our best interests in mind. Sheila looked after us thoughtfully, compassionately, intelligently. She was fun and funny and sweet. She took us on adventures and helped us when we hurt. And that didn’t change as we grew to adulthood. And it hasn’t changed for me now, in that I can still hear her sweet, caring voice if I sit still and listen, and I’m sure those half-moons will live on, pointing me in the right direction. I miss her so much, her hugs and her dazzling smile and so many things about her, but she lives on for me in the love I will always carry.

    “i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
    my heart)” — e. e. cummings

    1. While I did not know Sheila very long or well, I did spend time with Charles and her in Boulder. What a gracious and kind soul she was. She made me feel so welcome to her home and life. I have though of this so often as she was struggling with this journey. My hope is for healing and strength for her family and that her next journey will bring her the kind of love and strength that she had on this one

  2. I’ll miss you forever, Sheila … every single day. Even though I was well aware of how precious and important our friendship was, I had NO IDEA how MUCH I would miss you … nor how painful this would be.

    CSCH has lost an invaluable and irreplaceable member of our community.

    This is a really excellent obituary, Charles. You’ve described Sheila beautifully.

  3. A beautiful person, a beautiful life. So did so much good for so many people in the time she had here with us. I will miss her so much. The positive energy with which she lived will ripple through all of us!

  4. what a stunning piece of writing for a stunning and beautiful human. sheila was so dear to me: a teacher, mentor, friend, my primary care practitioner/herbalist. i love the e.e. cummings quote above and feel the same–i will keep her heart in mine. i will also be sure to say her name as the new classes at csch show up and share how much her presence is in the teachings, the herbs, and the vitalist tradition. she was invaluable and a pillar at school and will be a part of each herbalist that graduates and is touched by our graduates.

    i miss her dearly. and will love her forever.

  5. Sheila had an amazing grace and was always concerned about those around her. I am a lucky one to have always felt her love and care. I already miss her so much and I will cherish all the time I spent with her.

  6. Sheila’s kind and sweet spirit touched this world in a very dynamic and beautiful way. I’m honored to have known her and will cherish the times we shared.

  7. Sheila was and is a very special person – kind, compassionate, thoughtful – combined with a keen scientific mind and an indomitable flair for problem-solving and outside-of-the-box ideas. It was wonderful to work with her at CSCH and I will miss her often. She really helped us get on our feet in the beginning and took care of so many of the nerdy tasks, I don’t know what we would have done without her! Thank you, Sheila, whereever you are … your legacy lives on in our school community.

  8. Okay, Here Goes…Sheila has been my Sister in Law for over 25 years. I have never met a more selfless, loving & nurturing human. She has never been anything but kind, loving & generous to me. She is a wonderful wife to my brother Charles, and an exceptional Mother to my nieces Alex & Juliet. She is an awesome sister in law. A couple of years before her cancer diagnoses I was going through a difficult time. I went to Colorado to clear my mind & confided in her. I credit her for helping me to be a happier & healthier person. The advice she gave was a life changer. I love you, Sheila.
    Funny story: As a young child I had a girl crush on an older neighbor named Sheila. When Charles and I would play, I would sometimes make him be a girl named Sheila. While I don’t think he will ever forgive me for that, I somehow think I should get Some credit for his attraction to Sheila.
    Caring Story: A few months before Sheila passed away, Charles & I found out our Mother had endometrial cancer. Sheila immediately sent me a loving, comforting text about how I was always the one taking care of others & I should take care of myself. It was also filled with advice re caring for someone with cancer. Here she was battling for her life & she wanted to comfort & help me. That is who Sheila is.
    Sweet Story: Last APRIL, before Juliet’s college graduation, I was visiting. Sheila & I decided to go out shopping. She had lost a lot of weight & needed some outfits for the graduation festivities. As we shopped, a light snow began to fall. We laughed, caught snowflakes on our tongue, & danced around. It was a day filled with joy & love. One memory I will ALWAYS treasure as Sheila & I were rarely alone. As we were driving back home, Sheila looked over at me smiled & said, “You know, I actually feel normal today!”

    I find peace in knowing that Sheila is healed & happy & free. One day I hope to join her in the meadows of Chatauqua with the foothills in the background protecting us.

    Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
    Because for those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.

    1. To Sheila’s family:
      Hi, my name is Norma and I was a client of Sheila. I found out today that Sheila left this world in 2020. We are heartbroken and deeply saddened. I can remember every visit I had with Sheila. I believe she is one of the most intelligent woman I know. If Motber Earth was human it would be Sheila.
      We love & miss Sheila very much. Please forgive our delay in knowing about Sheila’s passing as 2020’s hurricane affect on the world was unforeseen. Sending continued healings thoughts to all of Sheila’s family and friends.

  9. So sorry to all the family and friends. Good people live in our hearts and they will never be lost. While I only knew her for a brief time in her life in Allentown, I can see from the comments she had not changed, but why change perfection. She was a light and example for what a person should aspire to be.

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