Robert Stoneburner, age 46 had an appreciation for new socks. Which, as it turns out, would become very important throughout his life.
Born in Germany, raised in Illinois, Texas and Michigan, he was never one to stay in one place for very long.
Once in his 20s, he said farewell to family and friends in Michigan with a wave of one finger to head west on a mountain bike for an adventure of a lifetime.
Unfortunately, he didn’t pack enough socks, and so would return with tales of fending off skeevers and saving children from burning buildings.
Family life and social norms did not suit him, and so off he went again, by bus this time, with a duffel bag full of new white socks.
Over the next 20 years, he wandered, camped, and adventured through many states, mostly on foot (you can imagine how many socks he went through), until spending his final days in Boulder, Colorado.
Rob was an avid gamer, with a witty gallows sense of humor. He was intentional about all of the things that he did, and eschewed anything that did not align with his values. He would tell you to do things you are exceptional at, and to not be afraid of success.
The world would be a better place if more of us were like Rob.
He leaves behind his mother, Katarina Dancer, who provided great hair genetics and fresh socks on Christmas, and an annoying little sister, Ashley Robinson, who insisted on emails as proof of life over the last 20 years (as well as an unspecified amount of kin who would probably match him if he did a DNA test, which he never did).
His life ended as he would have wanted on February 27th, 2024. It was truly a bear fight, and Rob went down with a flowing mane of fiery auburn hair blowing in the wind…and of course, wearing a fresh pair of socks.
As a lifelong introvert, Rob would have been appalled at the thought of a gathering in his honor. Please celebrate his life by watching the new season of The Witcher and upon its release, playing Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.
Don’t send flowers- he would have hated that.
Please send new socks or a financial donation to Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, or your local homeless shelter.

One thought on “Robert Stoneburner”

  1. Even though the physical distance broke my heart, I admired his unwavering outlook for life and to live it on his own terms. He was an excellent writer, with a great sense of humor and loving soul. I love you my child sleep with the angels.

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