Marshall Wright, beloved husband, father, and friend died quietly in his home in Erie after a battle with cancer on April 14th. He was 79 years old. He is survived by his wife Bonnie Wright, and his children Ronna, Erin, and Dominique. He is preceded in death by his parents and his brother.
Marshall was born on May 26, 1942 in San Francisco, the youngest of two boys. After receiving his degree in engineering from Stanford University, he spent the rest of his professional career in southern California, where he met his wife Bonnie and raised their family in Irvine. Once he retired, the family packed up and moved to Erie, Colorado.
Retirement never meant rest to Marshall. When he wasn’t scuba diving with his daughter Dominique, airplane gliding, or skydiving, he was busy trying new experiences and being the president of the HOA. When that still wasn’t enough to pass the time, he took up umpiring for baseball, softball, and basketball for Erie High.
Marshall was an inspiration to all who knew him. His strong but gentle kindness was always present. He was passionate about all the things he did, including traveling halfway around the world, but his deepest passion and love was for his wife Bonnie. She was the center of his wonderful life. Also close to him was his daughter Dominique, who always knew that he loved her.
A family only service was held April 23, with a friends and family reception at 2 pm at 385 Baxter Farm Lane in Erie, Colorado.
My friend, you are one of a kind- the Best
I do so love you.