David Ward Tresemer

David Ward Tresemer (Feb. 4, 1948-Feb. 12, 2024)

David Ward Tresemer, age 76, of Boulder, Colorado passed on Feb. 12, 2024 in Boulder of pancreatic cancer.  He was lovingly held by his close family and friends in the last weeks of his life. He passed at his home, surrounded by many who treasured him.

David was one of the more unique and gifted individuals with a diverse spectrum of talents.  He was the founder and designer of The StarHouse in the hills above Boulder, Colorado.  With his beloved wife and partner, Lila, they co-founded the StarHouse community (www.TheStarHouse.org)  and he leaves a legacy of sacred culture that revolves around The StarHouse and sacred mysteries.  David’s great passion towards the end of his life was StarWisdom and Personal Star Poems which he sourced and wrote extensively about in the last two decades (StarWisdom link).

David was born in Hinsdale, Illinois to Richard and Barbara Tresemer. He was the eldest of four brothers who will miss him.  David received his  Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard, and found great satisfaction in using that degree combined with his vast interest in spiritual science to co-found the Association of Anthroposophic Psychology (Link here) based on the work of Rudolf Steiner.

David is survived by his wife, Lila, his daughters, Sarah, Emma, China and his grandson, Bobby, along with their partners, Michael and Nicholi.  He was a wonderful uncle to Lila’s family: Gabriel, Laura, Noelle and Belina, and their families.

A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday March 3, both onsite and online at The StarHouse. Please send any donations to Donations at the StarHouse.  Space is limited; an online link will be available on the StarHouse website.


Screenshot 2023 08 26 at 10.36.19 AM 296x300Stonehenge 300x225Screenshot 2023 08 26 at 10.37.11 AM 300x251Screenshot 2024 02 13 at 10.53.29 AM 300x222David Tresemer at 6.32.52 PM 258x300

One thought on “David Ward Tresemer”

  1. I loved and admired David. We knew each other for over 20 years and in that time I learnt so much about life, myself, and how to see the world through a bigger lens. David was a truely kind and forgiving man and his capacity to find humour and the best in people was immeasurable.

    May he rest in peace.

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